lildog with lilbit

  • Java, Spring, Android, iOS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Tailwind

lilbit delivers products for tracking and monitoring pets, pursuing their goal of expanding the communication between pet and owner. They have achieved tremendous interest in current and future products and services with this ambition.

Through long-lasting collaboration, KodeWorks has yielded consultancy and knowledge boosting and development. Joachim Fasting in KodeWorks has been a central figure in this collaboration, especially within backend development and reducing complexity and costs in the technology stack.

I have appreciated the trust I have gotten from our clients in choosing between different technical solutions. I have had the opportunity to work with many other technologies, from high-level to low-level.

lilbit is today a specialized company with ownership of its entire technology portfolio. An essential part of the process to achieve this has been cloud rationalization. Today, lilbit cloud services are built on the principle of infrastructure as code. Setup and configurations, resource usage and costs are thus transparent, modular and easy to test, develop and hand over. Another part has been moving the production chain to local environments, as opposed to most manufacturers.

The biggest challenge was keeping several parallel tasks. Upholding a structured approach to the work at hand has therefore been instrumental.

"I have worked on several segments of the technology portfolio, and I hope to bring experience from all of it into further work."

lildog with lilbit

KodeWorks has also been part of cross-functional teams, with fluent communication between the developer and business sides - a property that in and by itself accelerates development and growth. On the business side of lilbit, the interest shown in products and services may best be described by a spread sale conducted on the public finance platform Folkeinvest. Lilbit collected 28 million NOK, thus marking a new record in Norwegian public spread sales. KodeWorks has further provided knowledge sharing on specific domains involved in the development of lilbit. This includes taking part in the hiring process of lilbit employees.

lilbit CEO Morten Sæthre describes Joachim from KodeWorks as the first truly autonomous developer he met who sees weaknesses and corresponding solutions in a system and implements these as they emerge. Today, Joachim works on developing the backend. lilbit develops and maintains backend solutions for both the IoT units and the cloud services. This is important since lilbit units contain sensors to facilitate expanded communication between a dog and its owner.

We at KodeWorks are thankful to be collaborating with lilbit on this and look forward to being part of the development in the time to come.